What to Do When You Need Extra Help with Medicare

Managing your healthcare needs on a tight budget can lead to a lot of stress. When it comes to this problem, you are not alone. Many seniors struggle with increasing prescription drug costs, high deductibles, and very expensive copays.

Do you Have to Sign up for Medicare at 65 if you are Still Working?

Retirement can be an exciting time for many people. Along with retirement comes figuring out what health coverage path to ultimately take. Some people may still be working past retirement age, so it can be confusing.

10 Things to Know About Your Medicare Options

There are so many Medicare options available to people that it can be extremely difficult to decipher the information being presented by the Medicare website or other informational sites that go into great detail about all of the options.

5 Ways to Avoid the Part D Penalty

According to the official US government’s Medicare website, “The late enrollment penalty is an amount that’s permanently added to your Medicare drug coverage (Part D) premium. You may possibly owe a late enrollment penalty if…